Sunday, May 4, 2014

2 peas is baaaack!

Long time no see!
So, here are the latest and greatest things from 2 peas.
Love you!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Another 2 peas update

Hello strangers!

It's been 20 days since I last posted on pocketfulofposts. CRAZY!
How have you been?
So, here are the videos of 2 peas that have been uploaded recently.

Monday, April 7, 2014

2 peas update

We have to go quick today.
Here are the videos from the past  weeks. 
We upload every Sunday.
So be tuned in!

Saturday, March 29, 2014


So, here is the FINAL product. Whoot whoot! So,  make sure to watch and tune in tomorrow for the second episode. Ember and I are super excited to share this video with all of you! Thanks for all of the support. You may comment below or email us at or comment on our youtube channel. Keep those views rising! Thanks guys!
-Abby and Ember

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Hey guys.
Ember and I here! (Yes, we are together!!!)
Ember is cutting and that's our cue to get started!
Today the special surprise being with Em!
(I know, doesn't require you)
-Abby and Em

P.S: Tune in tomorrow for the LAST DAY OF THE COUNTDOWN!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 21, 2014


Busy day yesterday.
Got to perform at sestrom hall last night with my school choir. And the special guest was...EDEN ESPENOSIA!!! (She played Elephaba from Wicked for 7 years! And she was in RENT) So, apparently, Mrs. Calvo (our choir teacher) is good friends with her. Weird.
Anywhoo, today's special post is....our plans for SPRING BREAK!
So Ember and I will be together and we are going to show the plan:
Friday(today): Ember- driving
                       Abby- part-a!
Saturday: Baby shower! (Recording our FIRST episode!)
Sunday: Churchie and Restie day
Monday: Disneyland part 1
Tuesday: Disneyland part 2
Wednesday: Disneyland part 3
Thursday: Beach day!
Friday: I think it's the beach...
Satuday: Bye, bye!
P.S: Ember and I at the MINDY GLEDHILL CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!